“Helping small communities self-organize, to save $$$ and CO2, and become stronger.”
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Try the CommonsTown Demo as one of its Members!

CommonsTown.com is the Demo version of a “Commons Community,” our online platform that provides small rural towns with a local online infrastructure -- "information plumbing" -- to help its members self-organize to save time, money, and CO2.

Try the Demo to get a sense of its utility. If you've already done that, go back to your site and sign up -- and start posting your Events, your upcoming Carpool Trips, your Want Ads, and more! If your community could use a Commons, and you're interested in starting it up, contact us! We have a sustainable business model that could help you and help your community!

This is a map of the “CommonsTown” microregion. Try its Commons!

CommonsTown itself is a small rural community in North America, with at least one grocery store, a gas station, a drug store, and a hardware store. It's got a couple of restaurants, and might have a Fire Hall or the like, all of which serve the micro-region of smaller nearby villages. Small businesses, both part-time and full-time, dot the region. Total regional population: somewhere between 1000 and 5000.

The CommonsTown microregion's citizens each knows someone who knows anybody else in the community. And they would all recognize themselves as belonging to the "CommonsTown" Community. When people from Wee Glen tell someone in Generic City where they're from, they say "It's near CommonsTown."

Our Commons Communities platform is designed for this kind of rural community. It enables self-organization between Members for Carpooling, shared Commons Calendar of Events, shared Classified/Want Ads, local Business Listings, and more.

To try out the Demo, first choose a persona, and then you can see what's possible, and what the Commons Communities platform might do for your town!